Technical Specification Sheet
Software based FoIP solutions for organizations of all sizes
requiring cost-effective offerings for lighter faxing volumes
compEllIng EconomIcs
FlExIblE ArcHItEcturE
Redefines the IP Fax Server Market
Provides Substantial ROI
Improves Security and Compliance
XMediusFAXTM is Sagem-Interstar’s innovative and
patented IP fax server solution supporting the robust
and standardized T.38 Fax over IP (FoIP) protocol.
Redefining the market when it was first introduced in
2002, it is the global leading software-only IP fax server
solution that is offered in four application optimized
editions, namely, sp for Service Provider, ee for
Enterprise, x for Express, and axp for use within the Cisco
Integrated Service Router (ISR).
considerable and rapid ROI (typically 3 to 6 months),
since expensive fax boards and dedicated analog lines
are not required.
and encryption features efficiently protect document
privacy and facilitate compliance with regulations,
such as HIPAA and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Sensitive
recipients and designated secure printers / MFDs.
Increases Staff Productivity
XMediusFAX boosts productivity by typically 90%
over traditional manual faxing, since users no longer
need to make time-consuming trips to a fax machine.
Enabled for Survivability
The XMediusFAX Express edition can benefit from
deployment models ranging from disaster recovery to
remote branch survivability (inter-system replication)
when peered with an XMediusFAX SP edition server.
Optimizes Global TDM to IP Migration
Reduces Telecom Costs
XMediusFAX software solutions are optimized to
XMediusFAX can reduce telecom costs by 40%
or more over traditional faxing. In multi-branch
organizations, long-distance fax charges are
drastically reduced through XMediusFAX’s built-in
efficiently address the accelerating global TDM to IP
Enables a Future-Proof Investment
As a completely software-based IP fax server solution,
streamlined operations, and lower total cost of owner-
ship (TCO). These solutions address diverse fax deploy-
ment drivers ranging from increasingly stringent regulatory
requirements, evolving infrastructure strategies (i.e.,
UC, ECM, ‘branch’ optimization), flexible application
integration (ERP / CRM) to adoption of more economical,
eco-friendly core technologies (i.e., FoIP, virtualization, SIP
trunking) and versatile multifunction devices (MFDs).
Least Cost Routing. XMediusFAX eliminates costly ana- XMediusFAX Express edition does not require any
log phone lines, hardware, maintenance and supplies.
extra hardware or third-party kits. It is a future-proof
Organizations can save tens of thousands of dollars a fax server solution and a perfect companion for a VoIP
year with XMediusFAX.
deployment, allowing you to convert all circuits to IP,
including fax. Standards based SIP and H.323 support
also ensure compatibility with today’s and emerging VoIP
Facilitates Seamless Interoperability
XMediusFAX drives business process costs down by
seamlessly interoperating with VoIP gateways, IPBXs,
voicemail systems, LDAP directories, and MFDs.
ExprEss EdItIon HIgHlIgHts
sImplE opErAtIons
The XMediusFAX Express edition is ideal for organizations
requiring a software-only fax solution with up to 4 fax
channels, email integration for a small to medium sized
user group. The Express edition contains a number of key
features including:
Faxing Anywhere, Anytime, & from Any Device
In today’s increasingly connected and mobile workplace,
XMediusFAX software solutions provide users unique
operations simplicity in sending and receiving faxes from
a wide spectrum of interfaces (i.e., desktop email clients,
MFDs, cell phones, etc.) - with guaranteed performance.
tEcHnology pArtnErs
xmediusFAx: Powered by the most advanced FoIP
integration for these VoIP platforms:
• Unique Exchange integration and enhanced user
productivity with Outlook add-ons
• Enhanced LDAP directory integration for simplified
user management (i.e. Active Directory)
Unleashing the Power of FoIP Driven Green Solutions
XMediusFAX’s support for key core technologies includ-
ing virtualization and T.38 based FoIP permits organi-
zations unprecedented flexibility to rapidly and easily
deploy cost-effective and green optimized solutions.
Automated document deliver leveraging any combina-
tion of fax routing methods
• Hardcopy paper faxing with support for multiple
MFD manufacturers including Xerox, Sharp OKI and
SIP telephone
PC users
VoIP gateway /
• Web-based fax composition and system management
Multilingual support
character sets
support for international
fax machine
• Easy to deploy with simplified network installation
support through Windows Installer (MSI) technology
• Virtual machine support using VMware and
Microsoft Hypervisor
email /
remote users
or branch office
Site A
Express server
XMediusFAX Express Edition Typical Implementation
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